Try This!

Lately, I've been recommending his 4-7-8 breathing practice to clients dealing with occasional anxiety, overwhelm, stress, or sleeplessness - which is basically everybody.

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Winn Clark
Repeat After Me!

Saying something positive and affirming repeatedly to myself or out loud (be sure nobody is around or people will think you're crazy) works.

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Winn Clark
You've Got Great Instincts!

Lately, I've come to know that all of my best decisions - moving to a city where I didn't know anyone to start a new job, taking a sabbatical, embarking on a new career when all common sense would say don't do it - were ones where I knew in my gut that this is what I needed to do. 

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Winn Clark
Courage is Contagious!

I've coached over 100 people in group coaching programs in the last few years, and the truth is that there's tremendous power that occurs in a group of like-minded people. 

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Winn Clark