You've Got Great Instincts!

Lately, I've come to know that all of my best decisions - moving to a city where I didn't know anyone to start a new job, taking a sabbatical, embarking on a new career when all common sense would say don't do it - were ones where I knew in my gut that this is what I needed to do. 

And I've noticed what I've been saying to others:

  • A client is dreaming of something new in her business and wonders if she should go for it - you've got great instincts.

  • A friend who is wondering about taking on some new business that feels a little off - you've got great instincts.

  • A potential client is feeling stuck about how to get new clients - you've got great instincts.

They've lost touch with their wisdom. I've been there. Sometimes the stresses of life and work can pull us away from being in touch with our own gut. Our challenge isn't that we don't have good instincts but that we forget that we do. And we stay stuck in inaction. Deep down - if we can get in touch with it, we already know.


So here's my 3 step process to get back in touch with your great instincts!

  1. Grab a pen and paper, find a quiet spot, and reflect on your life. Then begin to write down all the things where your instinct was guiding you in the right direction, especially those times when on paper, those decisions might not have made sense. Start when you were a kid and bring it all the way until today. Admit it, you've got great instincts! Keep this list as a reminder for times when you forget that fact.

  2. Now write down what's on your mind - those questions in your life or work where you're wondering, what should I do? Ask yourself, what's my gut telling me in this moment? Your answer may come to you right away, and if so you can begin to take whatever small action is next.

  3. If you're still not sure, that's totally fine. There's no need to poll your friends again or force a response. Your answer is coming to you. Do the things that allow you to get back in touch with your body - time in nature, hikes, walks, and museum visits are some of the ways to access your body's wisdom. 

Want to experiment with another way to tap into your wisdom? Check out the short and sweet meditation called A Meditation to Help You Listen to Your Gut, led by Sharon Salzberg on The 10% Happier Podcast. 


Wishing you all the best and don't forget......

Winn Clark