What's Your One Thing?

As a business owner, I'm as susceptible as anyone to messages about the things I "should" do in my work to have more success with more ease. Get on Clubhouse (nope), launch a podcast (maybe), dance on TikToc (never say never).

But this year I'm feeling a real pull to get back to basics. I don't need the latest fad to know what has consistently worked as I've grown my business.

So I was particularly inspired by an interview of Gary Keller on the Tim Ferriss Podcast on the concept of The One Thing. In this interview, Gary talks about the one thing that drives his business, his health, his relationship, etc. He runs the largest real estate company in the world, so he knows a little bit about business success.

And it got me thinking about my work. At the heart of what I do, what's the one thing that drives success? For me, it's coaching and having conversations with people about the possibility of coaching. There's nothing more important.

For writers, their one thing is writing. For designers, it's designing, for musicians it's making music and performing. Our only hope for success is to stay close to the essential part of our work and prioritize this above all else.

Wondering about your one thing and how you can structure your day to ensure you don't lose sight of it? I highly recommend you listen to this podcast; it's worth your time: Gary Keller on the Tim Ferriss Podcast

And if you want to go even deeper on this topic, I recommend the book, The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller with Jay Papasan. It's simple, straightforward and has actionable advice.

Here’s to committing to your one thing!

Winn Clark