Lean Into Summer

If you're in the Northern Hemisphere, it's the first day of summer, so excuse me while I take a few minutes for my annual start-to-summer rant! Life's short, and summers go fast. And keeping our foot on the gas all year long is a path to burnout. So here are four tips for a great summer ahead:

  • Pull Back On The Pace: I talk a lot about goals, commitment, and consistency, but I also know from learning the hard way that an intense pace is not sustainable without some breaks in the pace. For most of us, summer is the easiest time to plan for a lighter load. There are many ways to do this - push out projects until fall, post less frequently to social media, or pause something you usually do (email newsletter, perhaps). So make your plan for what could lighten your summer load.

  • Plan It: Carve out some time in your calendar. First, list all the fun only-in-summer things you want to do - outdoor concerts, hikes, beach visits, and whatever other fun things you know would make this summer great. Then buy tickets, book rooms, invite friends, etc. Lastly, schedule everything in your calendar.

  • Experience Summer Fridays: Many organizations have summer Fridays, which are half-days or full days off all summer long. Yes, please! Whether you work for yourself or someone else, ask yourself, could you find ways to build Summer Fridays into your calendar? If you can't pull it off every Friday, choose as many as you can. And if Fridays don't work for you, pick another day.

  • Consider a Social Media Break: Some of you get nearly all your new business from social media - this message isn't for you. For everyone else, consider taking a week or weeks off from social. It will be waiting for you when you return. Does this sound impossible? How about weekends? Or one day a week?

Here's to a fantastic summer ahead!

Winn Clark