Put Your Values to Work!

The last few weeks were hard. When Roe V Wade was overturned, it felt like a gut punch, and I was equal parts angry and depressed. I wondered how it's possible that women's rights in the United States took a big step backward? I worried for family, friends, and clients in conservative states. And I worried even more for the women (and girls) that can't afford to travel to states for abortion access - a disproportionate number being women of color.

There was a time when sharing what you believed at work was dangerous and could get you fired. And there are still plenty of work environments where people aren't safe to speak up. But some employers are listening and responding to the needs of their employees and customers. Dozens of companies have initiated health policies to cover the cost of travel for abortion access. And it's not just the usual suspects like Chobani, Dick's Sporting Goods, and Patagonia. The list includes historically conservative companies Citigroup, Procter & Gamble, and Goldman Sachs to name just a few.

Of course, if you're running your own business, you can do whatever you want. Maybe you think you should stay silent so as not to turn off any clients or potential clients. In my experience, the more we lean into our values the more we attract exactly the kinds of clients we resonate with.

I've seen designers turn away wedding business at former plantations, screen printers create designs to raise funds for civil rights and gun safety, and letterpress printers create art supporting abortion access. None of them did this because they were virtue signaling. They did it because they couldn't help but bring their values to their work. And they've inspired me.

I wondered what I could do as an individual and as a business owner to bring my values to work and make whatever small difference I could make. So moving forward, I'll be opening up time on my calendar each month for pay-what-you-want 1:1 coaching sessions, where 100% of the proceeds will go to organizations protecting reproductive rights. Is it a drop in the bucket? Of course. But do I believe the drops from each of us doing the little we can do add up? Absolutely.

If you're interested in hearing more, contact me, and I'll fill you in on the details!


A big part of my work as an integral coach is supporting people to bring their whole selves to their work. In support of that, here's a coaching exercise you can do. Grab a journal and spend some time reflecting on the question How can I bring my values more fully into my work? Then look over your answers and start by taking action on the item that feels most aligned for you.


Hearing of last week's Medal of Honor winners, I was reminded of the Terry Gross Fresh Air interview with Megan Rapinoe from 2020. I was blown away by Rapinoe's confidence and courage as she spoke of her work on equal pay and equal rights. If you want to be inspired by someone who has put their values to work, I highly recommend this podcast!

Here’s to putting YOUR values to work!



Winn Clark