More Ease Less Cheese

One of the silver linings of COVID-19 is that some things you could only do in person, you can now do online. So I just wrapped up a multi-day program with thousands of people from around the world. The content was valuable. But by my estimate, they dedicated 25% of the time selling us their additional programs. Basically, implying that what we’d just bought was useless without buying more. 

And it reminded me of a promotional email I received recently from someone whose services I've used. In the email, an offer was made that was positioned as a personal invitation and not shared with anyone else. But it sure looked like a message that went out to her email list. I wondered, why not just tell the truth? Something like this offer isn't for everyone, but as a loyal customer, I wanted to share it with you first would have sounded good to me and also been true.

Then there was the recent online workshop someone was selling, and in the sales process, they shared, unfortunately, we won't be able to record this, so you must attend live. And wouldn't you know it, after the workshop, they found a way to not only have a recording but sell it to anyone who wanted a copy.

Now all of these people are very successful and have positively impacted hundreds or even thousands of people with their work. And it’s none of my business to judge how they run theirs. But these experiences have reminded me of what I don’t want to do.

I’m all for marketing. I was a double major in marketing and management in college and had a marketing concentration when I got my MBA. I believe in creating amazing products and services, pricing them right, and getting the word out about them. But I’ve never been a fan of the cheesy “but wait there’s more” sort of approach as if I’m selling stuff no one needs on late-night television.

My sense is that my ideal client (target customer, ideal customer avatar, etc.) resonates with me because of how I show up, not because of an overly aggressive or less than honest marketing tactic. Have I missed out on some business as a result, maybe. Can I look myself in the mirror, yes.

So if you’re doing this entrepreneur thing and you’re confused by all the messages you’re getting about how you should approach marketing to be successful, know that you can market with honesty and integrity. And please hold the cheese!

Winn Clark