Just Say Thanks

This seems so basic that it almost feels ridiculous to write, but saying thanks is the easiest way to grow your business. Here's what inspired this rant. Years ago, when I first launched my coaching practice, I hired a small creative agency that was referred to me. The people on the team seemed cool and real and honest. Plus, it's woman-owned and has an all-woman staff, which got me extra excited!
So I hired them. They had a solid process, did good work, and I loved working with them. Over the course of the next few years, I recommended them to at least half a dozen other coaches and organizations I know, and several hired them too. It felt so good to send work their way!

Three of those I referred hired them, and I estimate that these referrals brought in at least $50K in revenue. And then nothing happened. No text, no email, no acknowledgment of the referrals at all. It seemed odd. While I certainly didn't refer them to get anything and certainly nothing of monetary value, I guess I expected an email, which only takes a minute or two to send.

For a while, I was miffed. And I felt less inspired to send people their way. Then I got over it and realized that there are at least a dozen good reasons why I didn't get a thank you. But this experience made me wonder, had I missed thanking anyone? And how could I elevate my own "thanks for the referral" process to make sure nobody falls through the cracks? 

Full disclosure, nearly all of my new clients come via referral. Without referrals, I wouldn't have a business. If you're an entrepreneur, coach, consultant, or creative, I'm willing to bet that referral is a big part of your new business too. If so, here are some tips on building a solid Referral Thank You Program:

  • Review your client list from the last 3 years and identify how each of these people came to you. Create a list of your referral sources. If there's anyone on this list, you haven't thanked, thank them now. You can do anything from a simple email to a handwritten card to a small gift. Do whatever feels aligned for you.

  • Create a process for every new client to identify how they found you. Just ask the question, how did you hear about me? And if you have a larger, online business, include the question, how did you hear about us? in your order form. Then add a step to your customer onboarding process for acknowledging the referral every single time you get a new customer.

  • At a minimum, once a year, look over your list of who has referred people to you. You're likely to find that you have a few power referrers who send you business over and over again. If so, do something extra special for them.

So today, look at your calendar and schedule a block of time to work on your Referral Thank You Program. It just might be the easiest way for you to get new business!

Winn Clark