Your 2020 Review

Anyone else getting excited to put 2020 behind us and let 2021 begin?

Before you dive full steam ahead in finalizing your 2021 goals and plans, I invite you first to see what you can learn from this year.

So block off some time, reduce distractions (close the door, turn off your phone and notifications) and grab a journal. Then ask yourself the following ten questions:

  1. What were my accomplishments this year that I can acknowledge and celebrate? Be comprehensive and include the big (wrote the book, launched the course, etc.) and the small. If you cleaned out your sock drawer in 2020, that's worth celebrating too.

  2. What factors contributed to the list above (supportive colleagues, asking for help, commitment, etc.)?

  3. What were my specific goals for 2020?

  4. How did I do on achieving them - objectively?

  5. What supported me in achieving those goals?

  6. What got in the way of achieving my goals (bad habits, negative thinking, etc.)?

  7. What were my disappointments in 2020?

  8. What do I need to let go of as I end this year?

  9. What am I grateful for that happened this year?

  10. What are the lessons learned from this year that I can build on for next year?

Hopefully, you've gained some insights that will help you set your vision for 2021!


Winn Clark