I've been asking myself and my clients how could we make this the best summer ever?
Read MoreAre you curious about exploring your passions and how they might unfold in your life and work?
Read MoreSick of all the so-called experts telling you to find your passion? They make it sound as if all you have to do is find this elusive thing you should be doing, and then everything is easy from there.
Read MoreThis podcast is two hours long and covers topics ranging from values to generosity to the hedgehog theory. Whether you're an executive in the corporate world or running your own small business, this podcast is worth a listen. Full disclosure, it was so dense with good information I had to listen twice. Enjoy!
Read MoreAnd I'm reminded yet again that we'll die with a to-do list, a closet that needs cleaning out, and a follow-up email unsent. I can live with that, but I can't live with the regret for the missed phone call with a dear old friend or the conversation on a sunny spring afternoon over a glass of wine. These things are what make our lives worth living.
Read MoreI share this quote with clients a lot because I often hear from them that they feel extremely uncomfortable really being themselves in their work. Don't get me wrong, they want to, but they're afraid of what others will think.
Read MoreAs someone whose family tree is firmly rooted in Ireland, I have to acknowledge Saint Patrick’s Day.
Read MoreI recommend Deep Work to clients all the time. It's a great read and full of practical advice on ways to carve out time for your most important work. Whether you're in the corporate world and the lines between work and home are completely blurred, or a small business owner working far too many hours, I urge you to read this book!
Read MoreLately, I've been trying to make sense of why all of this procrastination is happening. I'm not lazy, and neither are my clients, so what's going on? Based on what I see, I've identified 5 of the most common reasons for why we procrastinate and have a recommended solution for each.
Read MoreI recommend Deep Work to clients all the time. It's a great read and full of practical advice on ways to carve out time for your most important work. Whether you're in the corporate world and the lines between work and home are completely blurred, or a small business owner working far too many hours, I urge you to read this book!
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