Highly Recommend - Dare to Lead with Jim Collins

Most of my clients have heard me recommend the work of Brené Brown. Her books The Gifts of Imperfection and Daring Greatly are two of my favorites. So, of course, her podcasts, Unlocking Us and Dare to Lead, have made it into my heavy rotation. Her interview with Jim Collins was excellent. I was first exposed to Jim's books Good to Great and Built to Last early in my career while working for a Fortune 500 company. I've since realized that his work is relevant to anyone who wants to do excellent work aligned with their values.

This podcast is two hours long and covers topics ranging from values to generosity to the hedgehog theory. Whether you're an executive in the corporate world or running your own small business, this podcast is worth a listen. Full disclosure, it was so dense with good information I had to listen twice. Enjoy!

Winn Clark