You're Invited to Join us!

Lately, I'm noticing how many people I talk to are feeling isolated in their work. For those of us who left the corporate world to launch and run our own businesses, we immediately lost the built-in community of coworkers. We don't have a structured support system to bounce ideas off of, ask for help, or do some healthy commiserating.

And often, when we do connect with others who are doing what we do, we don't feel safe sharing our struggles, challenges, or even successes. And our families and friends can rarely relate.

Humans are social creatures and not meant to live and work in isolation. Culturally we hold up independence as one of the most revered values and celebrate individual success with stories of how we did it all on our own, which we didn't. It just feels that way.

If this is something you can relate to and you're missing having a supportive, like-minded community, consider joining my All-In With Winn Group Coaching program that begins on March 1. This program was developed for creatives, coaches, and entrepreneurs ready to take their business to the next level. Learn more about the program and what some past participants had to say about what it meant to them!

Winn Clark