Better Than New Year's Resolutions

I love the new year and the feeling of possibility that it brings. I'm well over setting new year's resolutions (research shows they don't work, so why bother). But I am into setting intentions and a vision for the year. I'm asking myself and my clients, who do you want to be in 2022?

Last week I had the privilege of taking the women in my All-In With Winn Group Coaching Program through a 2-hour session where we reviewed the highlights and lessons of 2021 and created a vision for 2022. Obviously, as a coach, I geek out on this stuff.

But then I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about it and realized I could sum up the whole 2-hour exercise in one question; What would make 2022 spectacular? So easy. It made me smile just imaging it for myself and my clients.

So I encourage you to contemplate that question for yourself. And of course, if you want to geek out on the whole 2-hour visioning exercise, you can download a copy.


I can't think of a better book to read as we kick off the new year than Atomic Habits by James Clear. It provides clear, practical ways to build the habits that lead to success. It's also a great read. I highly recommend this book!

The new year is a great time to kick off coaching. Let me know if you'd like to talk about what it would be like to experience the support of a coach as you step into your spectacular year. And either way, I'm cheering you on!

Winn Clark