Here's to Grit

Lately, I've been hearing a lot about the concept of grit and getting gritty. Angela Ducksworth wrote about this concept in her NYTimes #1 bestselling book, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. And I'm reminded of this as we're only two days away from the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, each an embodiment of grit.

We've all heard Joe's story from Scranton to the White House. What I find remarkable is the 50+ year career in public service, the commitment to his mission, and that despite tragic personal losses, he chose to run for the president (for the third time!) at the age of 76. A below-average student who stutters got the most important job in the United States because he never gave up.

And Kamala's story is equally compelling. As the child of immigrants, as a woman, and as a woman of color, she overcame roadblocks others wouldn't have on her road to the vice-presidency. And she made it look easy (though I'm sure it wasn't).

And in their stories, and those of my clients, I'm reminded again and again that perhaps the most important quality necessary for success is grit, a true commitment to your purpose, and an unwillingness to give up!


Winn Clark