Embrace The Shameless Plug

I often hear from the clients I work with about the amazing products and services they offer. Creatives are making gorgeous products that look to me like works of art. Coaches have beautiful programs that could transform the lives of those they serve. I could go on.

But few know what they're up to because they're reluctant to tell others what they offer. Or they don't want to post or email about it because it feels cheesy. Trust me. I get it. For most of us, anything that feels like self-promotion is hard.

But I also know (and have learned this the hard way) that nobody is sitting around thinking of you and the latest offering that you've created. Based on my experiences and those of my clients, we must let others know (more than once!) what we offer. This is the way people can hire us or refer people to us. This is how businesses grow and get to a healthy, thriving place.

So whether you're an entrepreneur or bringing your entrepreneurial spirit to the corporate world, here's to your shameless plug!

Speaking of the shameless plug, join me and other women entrepreneurs, coaches, and creatives who are taking their businesses to the next level. Learn more about the All-In 2021 Group Coaching Program here, enrollment ends this Saturday, February 6th.


Winn Clark