Finding Meaning In The Madness
For many of us, the results of the US election have been triggering and traumatizing.
It's hard for me to write a newsletter, post on social media, or kick off a coaching call and act as if nothing has happened.
Something has happened.
Here are a few ideas if you're struggling:
*Honor whatever feelings you're feeling.
*Connect with others in person, online, or on the phone.
*Spend more time alone than ever.
*Enjoy nature.
*Buy yourself some flowers
*Do more physical activity.
*Allow yourself more time to rest.
*Eat some comfort food.
*Binge-watch Gilmore Girls.
*Adopt a low-information diet and only go to the sources of information that support, console, and uplift you.
*Call your doctor, therapist, or any other service provider you need.
*Tell the people closest to you how they can support you.
*Avoid the people who are triggering.
You've likely heard of the five stages of grief - denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Grief isn't linear. You can be angry one minute, then depressed the next. Honor wherever you're at and allow yourself to feel whatever you're feeling. You can't rush the grief process.
There's actually a sixth stage of grief - finding meaning. It's likely too soon for this. Trust there will be a time to transmute our pain into purpose and action.
Reminding myself of this gives me hope for all of us, the country that I live in, and the world.