Ten Podcasts You'll Never Forget!

Anyone that knows me well knows that I'm addicted to podcasts (hey, it's healthier than other addictions, so don't judge). There's something about hearing the voices of others in deep conversation that's equal parts nourishing, energizing, and inspiring.

So here's a list of the episodes of some of my favorite podcasts that have stayed with me long after listening. Full disclosure, I lean towards podcasts featuring people who are really passionate about their work; gray hair is a bonus.

Seth Godin has been my marketing guru for over 20 years. I love this conversation between Seth and the incomparable Debbie Millman:
Design Matters Interview With Seth Godin

We've all heard Sara Blakely's amazing story of how she launched Spanx. This interview with James Altucher covers topics that haven't been covered before, including the influence of a depressed mother and Wayne Dyer, two things I can relate to.
James Altucher Interview With Sara Blakely

This is the first of three recommendations from Krista Tippett's Onbeing Podcast. I was mesmerized by this discussion with environmentalist and activist Jane Goodall, who is working harder than ever (and loving it) at 87. Consider listening to the even longer unedited version.
Onbeing With Jane Goodall - What It Means To Be Human

Again from Onbeing, this time a conversation with meditation teacher and author Sharon Salzberg on healing. This one was worth a repeat listen.
Onbeing Sharon Salzberg - The Healing Is In The Return

I could listen to Esther Perel all day long. This conversation on eroticism (not what you think), love as a verb, and the truth about unconditional love was thought-provoking from start to finish.
Onbeing With Esther Perel - The Erotic Is An Antidote To Death

It's surprised me to love a podcast between Rich Roll and a vegan, teacher, and ultra-marathoner so much. I came away inspired to run further, eat healthier and live more fully into my values.
Rich Roll Podcast Interview With Harvey Lewis On Finding Your Why, Nirvana Moments and Winning 300+ Mile Races

I've listened to nearly every Brené Brown podcast she's done. This conversation with Tarana Burke was like a tenderizer for my heart.
Brené Brown Unlocking Us Podcast With Tarana Burke On Onbound, Liberation And The Birth Of The Me Too Movement

One more from Brené Brown, this time an interview with the writer Ashley C. Ford whose story is heartbreaking and inspiring.
Brené Brown Unlocking Us Podcast With Ashley C Ford

Lots of people think of Tim Ferriss as the 4-Hour Workweek guy. His work has blossomed in the last few years. This conversation where he opens up about his childhood abuse is such a beautiful expression of someone using their platform for good. It's a must-listen for anyone who experienced childhood trauma or wants to see courage in action.
Tim Ferriss - My Healing Journey After Childhood Abuse

I loved hearing the personal story that motivates the work of Lauren Miller Rogan and her husband Seth Rogan and their non-profit, Hilarity for Charity. It also inspired my love for CauliPower Pizza. Enjoy.
Genius Life Interview With Lauren Miller Rogan

There are so many more that I'd love to share, so expect more of these. Let me know a favorite podcast of yours that you can't forget!

Winn Clark