Help, I need somebody!

I just came out of my last group coaching call with the women in my All-In With Winn Coaching Program. We'd gotten together on Zoom every week for five months to support each other in our businesses. Today things felt bittersweet. There's a lot to celebrate, but everyone was sad to see it end.

I heard it today, and I hear it every time a program ends. Knowing that they aren't alone ends up being one of the program's biggest benefits. The women (and the occasional courageous man) can more confidently move forward in their work when they know that others are walking the same road.

It's easy to understand why so many of us are trying to do everything alone. Western culture celebrates fierce independence, and we glorify stories of people doing it all by themselves. But when you dig deeper into these stories, you learn they're incomplete. There's always some combination of family members, teachers, coaches, mentors, friends, allies, and strangers whose support was essential to their success.

None of us are immune to the programming that we should be able to do things without asking for help. I certainly struggled with this when I launched my coaching business seven years ago. I'm sure part of it was I didn't want to look like I didn't know what I was doing, and I was ashamed to admit that I was just figuring things out.

So we launch a business, take on a new, more senior role, start a family, navigate a health crisis, etc., and try to figure it all out on our own as if somehow we're supposed to know everything already. It makes no sense.

Can we all just agree that we desperately need each other to move through this world with any sort of success or happiness or joy?

Look at whatever you feel challenged by today and ask yourself, who can I ask for support?

I'm confident that someone somewhere can't wait to help.

Winn Clark