Wouldn't It Be Cool If?

Back in 2018 I was still really struggling in my coaching business. I was feeling isolated working alone, and the cheerleader, girl scout, sorority sister, and all-girls school alum in me was longing for connection with other women.

So I joined a mastermind/coaching group of 20 women. It was a diverse mix of coaches, creatives, and business owners who all wanted more success but on our terms. I loved being part of this group.

One exercise we did was to reflect on the question: Wouldn't it be cool if. Then we wrote down everything that came to mind in quick succession and shared what we wrote with a partner. It was a blast!

There was something so powerful about dreaming about possibilities, writing them down, and saying the things you wrote out loud to someone who wouldn't judge but instead was cheering me on!

So sometimes, when I'm feeling a little stuck, frustrated, or depressed about something I'm up to, I come back to this exercise and it always gets my creative juices flowing.


Now it's your turn. You can do this alone or with a buddy or group.

Schedule some time when you know you'll be feeling energized and can work undisturbed. Consider the space you'll be in and ensure that it's quiet, comfortable and supports you feeling expansive and optimistic. I suggest leaving your typical workspace which can keep you stuck in the here and now.

Grab a journal, pen, and timer. If you're using your phone as the timer, be sure to turn off the ringer and any notifications.

Then select the topic for brainstorming. Perhaps it's your business, your health, bringing more fun into your life, remodeling your home, etc. 

Then set the timer for 10 minutes and begin. Ask yourself, as it relates to the topic you selected above, wouldn't it be cool if.........Then, as quickly as possible, write down all the ideas that come to mind. Don't get bogged down by how realistic the ideas are or how you're going to do them!

Then share your list with someone you trust. 

Lastly, decide what if any of these ideas are things you'd like to seriously explore. Select one or a few and take the first step to move forward (you can save the rest of the list for future reference). And most importantly, have a blast!

Winn Clark