What If You Were Ageless

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about age. And I ask myself the same questions that I hear from clients and friends. Am I too old for this or too young for that? The underlying question seems to really be; Is it too late to (fill in the blank with whatever you're dreaming about here) ___________________?

Whether it's living abroad, embarking on a new career, or finally writing that book, societal norms about age can negatively influence us to limit the possibilities of what we can do.

And I'm thinking about the young political activist Malala Yousafzai and environmental activist Greta Thunberg, who began their work as children. Or the gymnast Chellsie Memmel who at 32, has returned to professional gymnastics.

Or at the other end of the age spectrum, feminist Gloria Steinem, who at 87, is making an impact. Or Twyla Tharp, who turns 80 next week who continues to choreograph. And the architect Frank Gehry who at 92, is still creating memorable work.

Each of these people seems somehow ageless to me. We're drawn to the stories of people doing extraordinary things despite their age because we want to know that we're not too young or too old to be what we're called to be or do what makes us feel most alive.

So if there's something you want to do and you're wondering if you're too young or too old, I hope that it won't stop you. It's only too late if you decide that it is. So stop asking yourself if you're too young or too old, and instead ask, what would I do if I were ageless?

Winn Clark