Thoughts On 2020 So Far

If you're like me, my clients, colleagues, and friends, the events of 2020 have forced us to reevaluate everything. Relationships are shifting, ending, and beginning. Our physical, mental, and emotional health are being challenged and finally addressed. Jobs have been lost, pay has been cut, and businesses have been negatively or unexpectedly positively impacted. Big financial decisions have been made. Homes have been sold or bought, and people are relocating to new cities or small towns that better reflect their values. Day-to-day choices that impact the environment are being reevaluated. And who we support, follow, align with, and vote for seems more critical than ever!

It's as if collectively, we're all asking ourselves how can I live and work in more alignment with my values?

And I've been blown away by the changes I'm already seeing!

  • Creatives are making art in support of racial justice.

  • Coaches are doubling down on the clients and communities they most want to serve.

  • Consultants are pivoting to projects that have more impact on the world.

  • Managers are more flexible than ever as they recognize that their teams have families and lives outside of work.

  • Small business owners are getting resourceful to ensure that their employees and their businesses survive and thrive.

  • Entrepreneurs are embracing technology that allows them to serve others in distant cities, countries, and continents.

I'm an optimist at heart. And I firmly believe that the gift of this incredibly challenging time is the positive changes we're all making today!


Winn Clark