The Journey Of A Thousand Miles

When I start working with a new client, whether 1:1 or in my All-In With Winn Group Coaching Program, I ask them to do an exercise to create a vision of their future. It gives them a chance to dream big. And it tells me where they'd like to go in their work and their life so that I can best support them.

And what they share is beautiful to hear and witness. Some want to do really bold things like leaving their corporate job to launch their own business. And for some, it's a simpler but no less meaningful wish list, like having more ease in their work to spend more time with their kids. So I thought I'd share this exercise with you so you can do it on your own.


Look out into the future (I suggest 1-3 years) and imagine living what felt like your best possible life. What would you be experiencing, creating, and doing? As you reflect, write down your thoughts, be as specific as possible, and be sure to cover all areas of your life, professional and personal (work, family, friends, health, finances, spirituality, fun, learning, home, etc.). Assume that money is no object, your health and energy are extremely high, and that all of the people in your life (family, friends, etc.) completely support you.

Note: It's critical that you do this exercise when you're feeling good and energized (after a run, walk, meditation, etc.) so that you're in a positive headspace.


Once you've done this exercise, you can work backward to today. What small step could you do today to move you in that direction? And if you're overwhelmed and struggling even to see what small step you could take, enlist the help of an optimistic, supportive friend, or hire a coach as others can often see the next step on the path when we can't.

I'd love to see you move towards your vision of your best life. Schedule a Coaching Fit Call with me to see if coaching is right for you.

Winn Clark