Change Your Schedule Change Your Life

I often hear from new clients that they aren't happy with the income that they're making in their business. Once we do a time audit, we find chunks of time during work hours that aren't spent on work. Political and COVID-19 news, Instagram, and more recently, Clubhouse are some of the most common time drains. It becomes clear that while working long hours, the time spent on actual work is part-time. And part-time work leads to part-time revenue.

It's nice to have total control over your calendar. It's a perk that small business owners get that corporate types don't. So sleeping in or grabbing coffee with a friend is tempting - and by all means, do this sometimes - you've earned it.

But as I look to the people I know, my clients, colleagues, and friends who are making great money in their businesses, they approach their work as a full-time job without exception. If anything, they're working too many hours (but that's a different problem and a topic for another newsletter)!

There are many reasons why a business might not generate a healthy amount of income: there aren't enough clients, prices are too low, expenses are too high, etc. But if you're feeling like you're not making enough money in your business, first take a look at how you spend your days. Be honest with yourself. Are you keeping a pro schedule? In my experience, doing so is essential to building and maintaining a thriving business.


Winn Clark