We're in This Together!

The election, racial reckoning, COVID-19, jobs lost, businesses suffering, to say these are challenging times is a colossal understatement.  I'm not trying to be all doom and gloom (though it is Halloween week, so it's the mood).  But I want to keep it real.

And I've been hearing from friends, clients, and other entrepreneurs that they're feeling anxious and isolated.  And while there are aspects to spending way more time at home that many of us actually like, including me (a couple of weeks ago, my partner Ted called me a recluse!).  I'm feeling the effects as well.  And we've got a long winter ahead.   

Humans need humans, and it's not healthy to withdraw too much.  And we need each other now more than ever.  So whether you're working on Zoom calls all day, at the computer, in a creative studio, or your garage, here are some ideas for establishing and maintaining relationships remotely.

  • Schedule walking meetings. It gets you outdoors and moving your body, which is good for your mental and physical health. And in my experience, your creative juices get flowing as well. Coaching Tip: Think of a few people you have meetings scheduled with and reach out and ask them if they're open to your walking during the next meeting. Too cold where you live to do this comfortably? Walk around your house, or get on your new Peloton.

  • Find a Buddy: Establish a new weekly or monthly check-in with others in your industry for a support session. Coaching Tip: Think of someone in your industry that you like. Reach out and ask them if they'd be game to schedule a call for mutual support, then make it regular. Bonus points if you make this a walking meeting!

  • Organize coworking sessions: Everyone has a to-do list of things they need to get done. A coworking session gives you and others a chance to be on a video call together, all working quietly, at the same time. I like to kick off co-working sessions by having people share what they're working on, and then everyone gets down to business. Coaching Tip: Pick a day and time and set up a Zoom call. Reach out to a handful of people you know, or post to any groups you're part of and invite them to the session. Enjoy getting work done. And join me for some or all of my next coworking session on Wednesday, November 11, from 12-2 Pacific Time. Here's the link: http://bit.ly/Coworking-with-Winn, passcode: 102942

  • Create Your Own Mastermind: You've likely heard people talk about their experience of being in a mastermind. If not, it's a group of people up to similar things in their work who spend a period of time together for mutual support. Having participated in a mastermind before, I can tell you they can be powerful. They can also be expensive. If this isn't the year to invest in a mastermind, but you're drawn to the idea, consider creating your own. If you're interested, download my free guide, Create Your Own Mastermind Checklist, below.

Here’s to not going it alone!


Winn Clark