Create Your Vision For 2021

If you're anything like me, you're excited about a new year and a fresh start! One exercise that I love to do and invite my clients to do is create a vision for the year ahead. This vision can then be used as a daily reminder of the life you want to create, a jumping-off point for crafting a vision board, and a foundation for setting specific goals.

Here are the steps to developing your 2021 Vision:

  1. Set aside some uninterrupted time (I'd suggest 2 hours) and get into a relaxed and optimistic mental state. You may want to go for a walk, run or meditate before you do this exercise. Turn off your phone. Be sure you have a journal or your computer if you love to write that way.

  2. Then look out 1 year from now (if intuitively you want to go out farther, that's OK too). Now imagine that you're living your best possible life. What would you be experiencing, creating, and doing both personally and professionally? Assume that money is no object and that the people in your life (partner, family, friends, etc.) are completely supportive. Reflect on the following questions as prompts and write down your thoughts. Be as specific as possible (no detail is too small to include).

    • Where would you live?

    • What does your home look like?

    • Who are you with?

    • How are you spending your time on a perfect weekday?

    • How are you spending your time on a perfect weekend day?

    • What are you eating and drinking?

    • What are you doing in terms of your physical, mental, and emotional health?

    • What spiritual practices do you have?

    • What are you doing for fun?

    • What creative pursuits do you have?

    • What adventures are you taking?

    • What are you doing for your personal development?

    • What's happening in your love life?

    • If you travel, where are you going?

    • What are you doing in your work?

    • What long-term plans are you making?

    • What are you doing to give back and support others?

    • Describe your financial situation?

  3. Once you've done step #2 above, write out a story that includes all these details. For example, "I wake up in the morning feeling well-rested and energized from my new home, etc.)"

  4. Review this story as often as you'd like (daily, weekly) to keep it fresh in your mind. This way, you won't lose sight of the life you want to live and it will positively influence your daily decisions, both big and small.

FULL DISCLOSURE: This exercise works! When I first did this vision exercise nearly 10 years ago, I was living in Chicago, in a committed long-distance relationship, and working in a corporate job I'd come to hate. My vision included moving to Paso Robles, California, living with my partner in our modern home, and becoming a coach. With my new vision in hand, I created a vision board. And my vision began to come to fruition much more quickly than I planned.

You'll be amazed at how much you can make happen by creating a vision for your life!


Winn Clark